Hay guys I am back with a new post and it’s about public health and safety. The major problem of our country is that people are afraid of talking about. I think most of the guys will find this interesting and beneficial. Today we are going to see how much the masturbation cost and what are its benefits. I am not a medical doctor and I think like an economist thinks. So the best way so far is to conduct a cost benefit analysis and interpret the results. In such an analysis we can estimate the cost and benefits of a certain activity to see its feasibility and reliability.
As we know there are agents in an economy which are supposed as rational agents. A rational agent is one who is well aware of the situations, similarly in our case a rational masturbator will be the one who is well aware of dangers (cost) and benefits of his activity and will efficiently employee his natural resource in a balanced manner.
Now the question arises, why someone will masturbate? To find the answer I have conducted many interviews. In our case firstly we analyze the benefits.
Many people masturbate, at all ages too; it relaxes them, takes pressure away, and makes them feel great, release excess stress. Some people answered that it is better to masturbate rather than you involve yourself in “Zinnah” and majorly it is due to sexual satisfaction. There are many other factors but I’m not taking them in account because they are covered in the reasons I have described above. So we can aggregate all these points as benefits of masturbation. Now we analyze the cost of masturbation. People said when someone masturbate in excess they may lose their health may caught themselves into severe problem even impotency (as they may face stiffness and reduced length in case of males), they can loose their mental abilities especially memory. They forget names, dates and events. So to get rid of these situations they will surely get themselves the doctors, psychiatrists and “Hakims” and will pay them. We can account all these things as the cost of masturbation. I have also used a term the Density, it means how much a person masturbates, the more he/she masturbates the higher the density, the less they masturbate the lower the density.
Many people masturbate, at all ages too; it relaxes them, takes pressure away, and makes them feel great, release excess stress. Some people answered that it is better to masturbate rather than you involve yourself in “Zinnah” and majorly it is due to sexual satisfaction. There are many other factors but I’m not taking them in account because they are covered in the reasons I have described above. So we can aggregate all these points as benefits of masturbation. Now we analyze the cost of masturbation. People said when someone masturbate in excess they may lose their health may caught themselves into severe problem even impotency (as they may face stiffness and reduced length in case of males), they can loose their mental abilities especially memory. They forget names, dates and events. So to get rid of these situations they will surely get themselves the doctors, psychiatrists and “Hakims” and will pay them. We can account all these things as the cost of masturbation. I have also used a term the Density, it means how much a person masturbates, the more he/she masturbates the higher the density, the less they masturbate the lower the density.
Now take look on the diagram. The green curve shows the benefits and the red curve shows the cost, we can see when density is low i.e., at point “Qa” the benefits are higher i.e. at point “Ba” and the cost is at point “Ca” here Be⁄Ce>1. At point “E” a rational agent will be in equilibrium. So the “E” point is last point at which one should masturbate and at this point Be⁄Ce=1. Any points rightward to equilibrium will yield more cost than benefits. For instance at point “Qb” the benefits are reduced to point Bb and cost increases to point “Cb” at this point Be⁄Ce<1.
So on the basis of above given analysis one should control his cost and benefits regarding masturbation. I have written this article by keeping in the economics of public safety and health. In the end I will like to discuss that it is intrinsic property of nature that each system has a built-in recovery system, so even if someone has exceeded the equilibrium level he/she should stop the excessive masturbation. By some time the system will automatically obtain equilibrium. If you like the article or for any suggestions send me email.
Article By: Muhammad Abubakar Ali
Article By: Muhammad Abubakar Ali
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