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Clean Energy

In my last post Resource Depletion and Green Economics I have mention how the human race is depleting the environmental resources and ruining the eco-system. But the awareness is been developing since last two decade, and the concept of sustenance of natural and environmental resources are introduced. Developed countries are finding alternative resources of the energy so that the dependence on oil and other carbon emitting fuels like coal which is considered to be the major contributing factor of global warming according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and dependence on nuclear energy (Sometimes, this less comprehensive meaning of "alternative energy" excludes nuclear energy as defined in the Michigan Next Energy Authority Act of 2002) can be reduced.

Against conventional resources the alternative resources of energy are given the name of Clean Energy Resources. These clean energy resources will not only help to protect the eco-sys but they will also create new jobs. Against energy resources like fossil fuels there are many other clean resources of energy like water, wind and solar energy. Renewable energy sources such as biomass are sometimes regarded as an alternative to ecologically harmful fossil fuels. Renewables are not inherently alternative energies for this purpose. For example, the Netherlands, once leader in use of palm oil as a biofuel, has suspended all subsidies for palm oil due to the scientific evidence that their use "may sometimes create more environmental harm than fossil fuels.
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